(National Novel Writing Month) sponsors a free event each November to encourage writers to create a writing project and finish a complete story in one month. If the word count totals 50,000 words, then you win!
             You win, because you have a new novel. You get bragging rights and gifts from sponsors. You also have a community of supporters who want you to succeed.
            I’ve written three novels with the motivational help of NaNo. I’ve fleshed out and explored a science fiction series that I will one day write. I’ve edited an 119,000 epic fantasy novel during I’ve written the next book in that series. I’ve explored a new genre by writing an LDS sweet romance.
 Thumbnail Cover Created by Ann Gordon
            I’m still not traditionally published. I could be self-published if I wanted to. My dilemma is that I want to be the best writer I can be. I’m still learning. My point to you is that if I never wrote, then I could never improve. NaNo helps me write more.

 Happy writing everyone!