“Shades of Blue” video

Every shade and hue of blue reminds me of a rendezvous.

Cast aside the red rock climbing, a hidden park is oh so charming.

A writer in a writing mood, I met my hero here today.

Pen in hand, I had a plan, but heroes lead where no one can.

We fought the dragon, sailed the sea, and then we…

Looked beyond the blue.

My soul bespoke a sonnet true.

Of love. Of life. Of me and you.

Darkness falls upon the land.

My picnic lays upon the sand.

Uneaten sandwich. Unopened soda.

Unplanned, but oh so grand.

Still, I dream beside a stream.

My stories gleam bright as the stars.

My hope one day is to see Mars,

Or visit a green, inviting gable.

The land of books past, present, and future,

Live within my well-shelved soul.

These treasures of a lifetime reading,

Are gifts to me without repeating.

If you enjoyed “Shades of Blue” then consider reading the book it’s published in. Tucked Away in a Discolored Scrapbook: Creative Nonfiction with Poetry by S.V. Farnsworth is available everywhere online and can be requested at your local library.