If the #1 reason you are interested in traveling to Prince Edward Island, Canada, Forks, WA, or London, England is because you read about them in a novel, then L.M. Montgomery, Stephenie Meyer, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and J.K. Rowling did you a favor by bringing these settings to life. 

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A Rare Connection is another such book. You will enjoy a rafting trip down the Colorado River near Moab, Utah. You will pilot a dune buggy. Arches National Park will become part of your next vacation destination.

Romance will be in the air when you search for a scenic overlook and Oowah lake in the Manti-La Sal Mountains.

Danger will quicken your pulse when you Jeep through Hidden Valley.

You will wish you could leap ten-foot fences in order to experience South Mesa and venture out to the edge of the world (sorry, you can’t do it because it’s private property).

Author S.V. Farnsworth will make these places part of your travel plans because you will feel like you’ve already been there.

She can give you the sensations, smells, and emotions of being trapped in a subway strike in Seoul, South Korea, because she’s been through it personally.

All of her novels are sparked by setting, so book your next stay-cation on svfarnsworthauthor.com/books/.