S.V. Farnsworth’s Author Blog

Story Setting: 1 New World Only Your Imagination Can Take You

by | Jan 6, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments

“Where no one has gone before” is a place you may have traveled to many times now. The same may be said of Middle Earth. It is not likely you will ever tire of these destinations. I know I never do.

It is thrilling to realize, however, that there are always new worlds to discover.


The Modutan Empire is one of those must-see places.

Woman of the Stone is an epic fantasy novel that takes you to castles and tombs, villages and plains, an Imperial City and a Royal Palace.

An ancient sword will sink fangs of power into your arm as you fight a dreaded enemy.

You will nearly be hanged from the gallows, wrongly accused of murder.

You will swim in a crystal-clear pool at the foot of a mighty waterfall nestled in a red sandstone box canyon surrounded by lush green vegetation and the song of birds.

You will cook a freshly caught fish in the coals of a campfire and taste the evening air with a full stomach.

Well, at least you will if your imagination gives you that ability. Visit svfarnsworthauthor.com/books/.

Modutan Empire Slideshow

Here's a slideshow about my high fantasy series, Modutan Empire. Let me know what you think. I used Canva.com to create this 60 second video with background music. It features book one in the series, Woman of the Stone, book two, Monarch in the Flames, and mentions...

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