What have you done because you tried?
Everything we accomplish is because we tried, but what is it that you have done that took courage to try?
I made a mistake once, well many mistakes in my lifetime, but one of them changed everything for me.
I mentioned during a Joplin Writers’ Guild meeting that I thought one of my critique group partners would publish before the rest of us because she was going to try.
My supportive friends wanted to argue but nodded their heads instead.
You see, there was no disputing my logic, and my friends’ experience as authors told them that I was correct.
I would never be successful unless I tried.
At that moment, I realized that I could do what needed to be done. I had it in me to live my dream. So, that’s what I’m doing, and I hope you are too.
Summer (S.V.) Farnsworth
If you have a minute, please leave a comment or email me at summer@svfarnsworthauthor.com to give me your opinion on my new blurb for Woman of the Stone. Thank you! Epic fantasy for women of stone Oaths of the heart are not easily broken. Princess Emerald was robbed of that which is most sacred, and surviving her tragic past is a constant struggle. She kept her loss of virtue a secret in an attempt to maintain her dignity as ruler of the decimated land of Danalan. Unfortunately, the sexual assault has left her unable to accept the man she loved and promised to marry. Oaths of the heart are not easily broken, but she has no choice when a kiss on the cheek is worse than a fist to the face. Love has the power to save her, but can she learn to open her heart to the light? Or will she be lost to the darkness inside her? |

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