You can read Hard Start: Mars Intrigue early!
Cody Greene and Lisa Shim’s suspenseful love story set on Mars doesn’t release until October, but…
I go a little crazy when I’m waiting for my favorite authors’ books to be released. You are probably the same way. So, I have a gift for you!
There’s only one string attached. I’m asking you to read it and give it an honest review somewhere online.
I will give you the ebook that you can read any way you like on any reader you choose (I love the NOOK app on my phone).
If you can do that before Hard Start: Mars Intrigue releases in October, then I will jump for joy. In fact, I’m already jumping with enthusiasm just thinking about it!
I’m a heavy woman, so sorry about the screen jiggling on your side of this conversation.
Larry Wood has already finished reading it and given me a couple of lines of critique. He’s quite a valuable advanced reader. Thank you, Larry!
It isn’t too late for you to give me feedback, and I would appreciate hearing your thoughts before I finalize the manuscript for print publication.
The novel has already passed through my editor’s capable hands. Thank you, Ann (D.A.) Gordon! However, I’m seldom able to resist fiddling with a scene, so if you spot an error, then please speak up.
Reply to this email if you can’t figure out how to download books from Story Origin (that’s where I have it available). I’m happy to send you the file via email in Word document, PDF, Epub, or Mobi (Kindle). Enjoy the read! |
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